Judi VI

Posted by: Judi

Nov 27, 2013

Recent Comments for Judi VI (17)
  • Judi deserved a photographer with much better camera skills than the person that shot the blurry photos photos here.
  • So sexy looking thong! I really like her yummy ass, tits and shaved pussy!
  • So funny! Two morons ... no waiting! You got "Speech" claiming I'm of no consequence, yet he can't resist following me around an responding to what I say. Sorry, "Speech," but your "bitch status" has been established. As to "achoo," I would point out that the administrators ALSO included those links that read "Flag as inappropriate." Obviously they DID intend for your types of comments to be removed. But I tend to believe in confrontation more than avoidance. Why? Because unlike you, I'm an actual man. I have a set of balls . . . and you live to LICK balls.
  • Well, "your sad danny" wrote: "Look whose sad." Now as if I need MORE proof that he's uneducated?
  • OLD and shaved. I cannot vote poor for you
  • STOP in the name of god!!!
  • I want to cum all over your ass and tits fun1dude69@
  • Is this what Voyeurweb is coming to?
  • Too many miles on her but I still fuck her.
  • Now, this is a woman to ride the river with. (Apologies for ending a sentance with a preposition)
  • whats with the suit
  • Old and fat and tired
  • more more Jerry
  • A photographic essay on what happens when you never exercise or watch what you eat.
  • WTF


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